nsale.html "If my father wasn't so careful in taking good care of his health, and doing what his doctor tells him, his heart may possibly not have been sufficiently strong enough enough to cope. Thankfully, he's doing okay now and also swelling went down, but it surely has left me in shock. I got so angry once i saw what they'd completed to my father.
Stem cells. Pro tip: If you want to travel away from FDA purview for any treatment (as humans have done for cancer "therapy" beyond the US and even do for autism), you might want to think twice about it, or over times in case the second thought doesn't convince you otherwise. There are no longer a strong rationale for using stem cells as therapy for autism what, exactly, are they going to be compensating for that was not there? even though one clinical study for it is ongoing, as I've written here, that trial is stro