michael kors black Friday sale The Falcons have played their home games in the Georgia Dome in downtown Atlanta since 1992. The Dome has a seating capacity of over 71,000. Exciting new pregame activities this season are designed to encourage fans to arrive early and enjoy their game day experience.Football players are no better or worse. The issue for the NFL and its fans is does the league have a serious drug problem now? Or are things no different than they were in the days of "North Dallas Forty" and Lyle Alzado, it's just that the testing is a lot better and more widespread? Suppose the NFL could follow the lead of the voters in Colorado and Washington state, who went miles toward eliminating their states' drug problems by simply legalizing marijuana. For public relations purposes, it would be preferable in our PC culture to have an NFL team free of players with drug suspensions, arrest records or childsupport problems.