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Glow has apparently gotten too big for Fur on Saturday nights.She's the kind of girl whose gang you'd craved to join in school, whose wardrobe you'd love to raid, who would make you look better by association, without entirely overshadowing you as an otherworldly goddess.Oops, one last (practical) thing: Regarding the proverbial keys in hand. It's actually NOT smart to lace key between the fingers and here's why: If you had to use to strike an attacker, the metal can easily rip the webbing of the skin between your fingers at the very least cause tearing which could be a distraction. Also keys will shuffle around upon impact and can lose their POINT so to speak..It only has to be hand washed and that too only in cold water as hot water can damage the shoe. An Ugg style boot should never be dried in the dryer or under direct sunlight. The ideal way to dry is to keep the boots in a wellventilated place