nba jerseys In 1992, the year in which Davis was voted into the Hall of Fame, this correspondent was still years removed from serving on the selection committee. But even as a native of Pittsburgh, who was basically reared demonizing Davis and the Raiders because of their fierce rivalry with the Steelers, I recall lobbying in person and in print for his candidacy. There was a bloc of hardcore loyal NFL traditionalist Hall selectors who vowed to never vote for the rogue Davis.Don't Miss:10 reasons you don't have a jobNYC menu offers silenceHear music made from seizuresHowObamacarepaysforitself chartUnreal goalThe deal is still pending formal approval in a vote next month, but Johnson, 56, is expected to pay a record $300 million for the new, yettobe named team, the first under majority black ownership in not just the NBA but also the NFL, NHL and . The $300 million is more than double the previous NBA expansion fee, but Johnson stressed that the cos