
ke článku: Maso versus zelenina
ze dne 05.01.2007, autor článku: administrator

Komentář ze dne: 01.12.2013 17:52:32
Autor: Cl9Tq0Ln4 (dowerytan@hotmail.com)
Titulek: handbags and never doubted britain's role as a force in the world
For all the life problems and grim statistics surrounding ADD, the disorder has many positive elements.We called for three alarms on this fire," Assistant Fire Chief Steve Holt said.Pardue told Nashville News 2 he is thankful the fire department was able to save the company office building which houses their computer system."Our main computer system [is there, which is], kind of the brains behind the whole operation and it got on the roof and was running up and the fire department did an excellent job as far as getting it put out," he said.No one was injured in the fire and Pardue said the company will rebuild the section of the building that was destroyed."We have had a lot of friends, a lot of neighbors in the community that has poured out the help to us if we needed it and when things are tough it is good to have good neighbors."Part of Van Buren Street was blocked off to traffic due to the fire.Neighbors reported hearing several explosions in the minutes af

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"handbags and never doubted britain's role as a force in the world"

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