
ke článku: Konzumace ovoce a zeleniny chrání před mnoha chronickými nemocemi
ze dne 26.07.2005, autor článku: administrator

Komentář ze dne: 18.11.2013 22:17:52
Autor: uzgbmozey (faddenrclv@hotmail.com)
Titulek: wholesale jersey five more reasons for tuning in to see the browns host the bill
cheap nhl jerseys Joe Robbins/Getty Images(INDIANAPOLIS) It took until the very end, but Andrew Luck got his first NFL win.Luck marched the Indianapolis Colts (11) down the field to set up a game winning field goal from Adam Vinateri as the Colts beat the Minnesota Vikings 2320 on Sunday.The overall number one pick of the 2012 draft threw for 224 yards and two touchdowns, including engineering a 45yard drive that allowed Vinateri to boot the game winner with eight seconds left."It's just amazing that the guy's able to go out there and do the things he does as a rookie," Colts coach Chuck Pagano said. "He certainly had to put the ball on them, and he did."Luck, who was making his regular season home debut, used his mobility to avoid several wouldbe sacks throughout the game.Christian Ponder threw two touchdowns for the Vikings (11), but 11 penalties amounting for over 100 yards hurt Minnesota. "We had opportunities.Everyone

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