cheap nba jerseys "It evolved over the years," Lake said of the way the Steelers play the 34. "I think it had to because offenses were trying to figure out how to defeat it. Maybe it evolved because players with certain abilities come in, and you want to use him in this role, as before we may have used another kind of player in that role.It is not the product that people are paying for. Maybe people should start to demand refunds on their tickets."An NFL fan, Sweeney follows the Green Bay Packers, who on Monday lost 1 214 t o the Seattle S eahawks i n what has become one of the biggest officiating controversies of the season. The Seahawks won the game at the last second on a call when two officials appeared to disagree."Clueless in Seattle," is how ESPN billed the controversy on its web site on Tuesday.Sweeney said in a written statement that his foremost concern was keeping players safe by shutting out "inexperie