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ze dne 27.06.2007, autor článku: administrator

Komentář ze dne: 25.11.2013 22:28:42
Autor: funlfxwjx (faddenrclv@hotmail.com)
Titulek: wholesale jersey singer has yet to discuss her recent lipsyncing controversy at
I spoke to two teachers (both Man Utd fans) and they were horrified. They told me that chewing gum is banned from most schools, and if a pupil was chewing gum while conversing with a teacher, they would be chastised.I have always said that Rooney is a great goalscorer, but the media have set him up to be way ahead of everyone else in the Premiership. The leading goalscorers in the Premier are Rooney (26), Drogba (25), Bent (22) and Tevez (22) and Drogba was away for the Africa Cup of Nations for six games.The big problem with United is that they only have Rooney and Berbatov in the top 25, while Chelsea have four namely Drogba, Lampard, Malouda and Anelka.I might disagree with some of his politics, but no more than I disagree with W on his. Barack is an honorable man, and I trust, when the chips are down, he'll do the right thing. Especially with Sam Nunn at State or Defense.

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"wholesale jersey singer has yet to discuss her recent lipsyncing controversy at "

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