michael kors black Friday sale Brees' $9.75 million 2013 base salary and $10.75 million 2014 base salary are injury guaranteed, but his entire 2013 base salary and $5.25 million of his 2014 base salary become fully guaranteed without offsets (Saints can't recoup money from Brees' contract with a new team if they release him) if he is still on the Saints' roster three days after the 2013 waiver period begins. It starts the day after the Super Bowl. Another $5.5 million of Brees' 2014 base salary becomes fully guaranteed with the same no offset provision as in 2013, unless New Orleans releases him during the first three days of the 2014 waiver period..And I'll jump on the Wizards, Maryland and Georgetown when the mood strikes or when there are big stories. But you'll just as likely find me addressing what's going on with Tiger Woods, LeBron James, Brett Favre, Tim Tebow, why I hate the BCS and find anything less than a playoff system in coll