michael kors black Friday The commissioner's power in such matters relies on coercion, and judging by last weekend's slate of games, some of the same people he's trying to reach couldn't care less. A few seemed more determined than ever to wring their opponents' necks, regardless of the consequences. A rough count turned up at least four reported concussions.NFL Super Bowl officials were hoping to score some major media attention with the arrest of a "web pirate" accused of illegally streaming sporting events over the Internet.They ended up with news stories that led with Super Bowlbound quarterback Tom Brady admitting he watched last year NFL championship game on an illegal website.The federal investigation, dubbed "Operation Fake Sweep" led to the seizure of more than 42,000 phony Super Bowl items and the shutdown of 16 websites that illegally streamed major televised sporting events. It also led to the arrest of a 28